
Open Positions

Prof. Zonghoon Lee’s Atomic-Scale Electron Microscopy Lab

Open Positions

Open Positions

  • Graduate students
  • Postdoctoral Researchers, Researchers, Senior Researchers
  • Undergraduate research interns (short-term and long-term, U-SURF, U-WURF)
  • Graduate students : Tuition waiver (to follow the UNIST’s regulations) & high level stipend
  • Postdoctoral Researchers, Researchers, Senior Researchers : Highest career level salary in Korea

In the field of advanced TEM/STEM, In Situ TEM/STEM, Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering and related majors


  • 대학원생/박사후연구원/연구원/선임연구원/학부인턴 모집
  • 저차원재료, 탄소나노재료, 최첨단 투과전자현미경 분석 등의 연구에 관심있는 학생 및 연구자
  • 대학원생 : 학비 면제 (UNIST 규정) 및 최고 수준의 학연장려금
  • 박사후연구원/연구원/선임연구원 : 국내 최고 수준의 연봉
Please contact Prof. Zonghoon Lee with your CV or information
(including your academic/research backgrounds and research interests.)
  • Contact: Prof. Zonghoon Lee (zhlee[at]unist.ac.kr)
  • Office: Building 102, Room 501-5
  • * Due to the large number of applicants, I am selective in my responses. I hope this will not discourage you from applying.

Recruitment Details

좌우로 스크롤하시면 내용이 보입니다.

Area  Required Qualifications 
Center for
Carbon Materials
(UNIST, Ulsan)
  • - Aberration-corrected TEM for Advanced Materials
  • - in situ TEM
  • - TEM analysis
  • - Deep Learning
  • - Degree: Doctoral degree (obtained within 5 years or to be obtained within 3 months from the appointment start date)
  • - Major: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or other related majors
  • - Preference: Experience in aberration-corrected TEM for 2D materials, nanomaterials, and carbon materials; experience in in situ TEM; experience in HRTEM, HRSTEM, EELS, EDS, DF imaging, diffraction, deep learning and simulation is highly desired
  • - Aberration-corrected TEM for Advanced Materials
  • - in situ TEM
  • - TEM analysis
  • - Deep Learning
  • - Degree: Doctoral degree
  • - Major: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or other related major
  • - Preference: Experience in aberration-corrected TEM for 2D materials, nanomaterials, and carbon materials; experience in in situ TEM; experience in HRTEM, HRSTEM, EELS, EDS, DF imaging, diffraction, deep learning and simulation is highly desired.
Work Category
  • Senior Researcher: Research personnel with a doctoral degree, total appointment period available up to five years (e.g., 3+2years), may be promoted to senior research fellows through a separate evaluation
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate: A position to conduct research training and research for a certain period of time to deepen research expertise and abilities. Those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining their doctoral degrees, or those who are expected to obtain their doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of appointment. Total appointment period available up to three years (e.g. 1+2 years)